mardi 29 septembre 2015






  • We're all the same, what we like in fashion FUT 16 (FIFA Ultimate Team 16) is to open packs and have the chance of getting very big players! 

  • The problem is that opening the packs is not obvious because if one is not a specialist in buying resale, it's not by 10-15 games a week we will have a chance to have Ronaldo!

  •  There is the possibility to buy credits, but it must be remembered there is always a risk of being blocked his account by EA SPORTS (I can talk about it puts already happened 2 times, but hey I make videos with 7k subscribers and I not hide my club name, unlike other youtubers;) and I'm promoting appropriations sites so that is why already 2 reset!).

  •  So for cautious of you remains the fifa points, but the problem is that it is expensive !!

  • ! So I searched for you, as for the release of FIFA 16, the least expensive places in the net to buy FIFA points especially in peace (not crappy websites or on ebay or once in two codes are not good!). 

IF you are on Playstation (PS3 and PS4):

  •  I advise you to buy prepaid cards playstation! Cards with € 50 or € 20 you are going to use and then buy FIFA points! 

  • The advantage is that on PlaystationPlusNow cards are only € 50 to € 44.99 or 10% discount card and € 20 to € 18.90 or 5.5% reduction. 

  • Thus, this will allow you either to have your points fifa be cheaper to take more points fifa poiur have the chance to have Ronaldo or Messi WAS 16! To see offers of the moment (because sometimes it breaks even more price I've seen in the map at € 42.99 € 50!), 

Simply click the link below:

IF you are on Xbox (and Xbox One Xbox 360):


 I advise you to buy xbox prepaid cards! Cards between € 5 and € 50 you are going to use and then buy FIFA points!

The advantage is that subscription-xbox-live cards are only € 50 to € 40.99 is almost 20% off! Thus, this will allow you either to have your points fifa be cheaper to take more points fifa poiur have the chance to have Ronaldo or Messi WAS 16!

To see current offers, just click the link below:

                                 VISIT XBOX-LIVE

IF you are on PC:


  • I advise you to buy FIFA 16 dots on Instant Gaming! The advantage is that you go on Instant Gaming to buy 2200 points FUT 16 only € 16.99 instead of € 20 on Origin! 

  • Thus, this will allow you either to have your points fifa be cheaper to take more points fifa poiur have the chance to have Ronaldo or Messi WAS 16!

 To see current offers, just click the link below: 

Buy Credits FUT 16
 (Because yes lowest to open the packs are nevertheless buying credits)

  •  If you want to buy credits instead of FIFA point, I advise you to go through Fifacoinsbuy 

TAGS: fifa point 16, fifa cheaper Points Points fifa16 cheaper, fifa points fut 16, fifa 16 points, fifa 16 points cheap, cheap fifa points, fifa 16 points cheaper.


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